NYU will hold another open house on its expansion plans, presenting the "final recommendations based on nine months of planning, analysis, and outreach. New York University will examine these refined options over the coming months as we move towards a comprehensive space-planning strategy for the next 25 years. Your continued input and feedback is [sic] critical."
Wednesday, April 23, 5-7pm
100 Washington Square East
Refreshments will be served and children's activities will be provided.
-- That's fruit and cookies. They're not bad. They've got some knowledgeable planners there who talk intelligently, and their posters are full of important information. With amusing but distractingly seductive suggestion, they always include a poster about Governor's Island, as if they just might-could expand there. You may skip that one. The likelihood of their moving to Governor's Island, earnest posters notwithstanding, is nil. Alas. Have a cookie. -- RH
Sanction City
1 day ago
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