August 7 is the deadline to submit comments to the Borough President on the EV/LES rezoning, before his draws up his recommendation to the City Planning Commission prior to their hearing on August 13. Send your comments to
or to EV/LES Rezoning, Manhattan Borough President's Office, 1 Centre Street, 19th Floor, New York, NY 10007.
Please ask him to object to City Planning's decision to hold three hearings on the same day in the same room, limiting comments on the EV/LES rezoning to two hours (9-11am).
Last June, the scoping hearings for the EV/LES rezoning lasted all day, including an evening session. Two hours is not enough time for the final public hearing on the future of our community -- it's not even long enough for the elected officials to have their say at the hearing. Holding all three hearings on the same day ensures that the public will not be heard.
Ask the Borough President to demand that City Planning devote a full day to the EV/LES hearing, including an evening session for working residents.
I will post my own comments on the rezoning soon. Below is the BP's notice requesting public comment:
Public Comment on the East Village/Lower East Side Rezoning
Pursuant to the New York City Charter, the Borough President's Office reviews, evaluates and develops
recommendations on land use applications to the City Planning Commission as part of the Uniform Land
Use Review Procedure (ULURP) process. Public input is crucial to Borough President Stringer in
considering and evaluating land use applications.
The Borough President is currently reviewing the East Village/Lower East Side Rezoning, a proposal by
the Department of City Planning to rezone 111 blocks in the East Village and Lower East Side.
If you would like more information on the East Village/Lower East Side Rezoning currently in ULURP
review, please visit the Department of City Planning's website at:
If you would like to submit comments to the Manhattan Borough President's office regarding the East
Village/Lower East Side Rezoning, please send comments by August 7 to
or to EV/LES Rezoning, Manhattan Borough President's Office, 1 Centre Street, 19th Floor, New York,
NY 10007.
如果您想就东村和下东城的重新规划向曼哈顿区长办公室提出建议,请在8月7日前,将您的建议发送到com。 您也可以送到EV/LES Rezoning, Manhattan Borough President's Office, 1 Centre
Street, 19th Floor, New York, NY 10007。
Solicitud de Comentario Público sobre la Rezonificación del East Village/Lower East Side
De conformidad con la Carta Magna de la Ciudad de Nueva York, la Oficina del Presidente de Manhattan
revisa, evalúa y desarrolla recomendaciones sobre aplicaciones de uso de tierras ante la Comisión de
Planeamiento de la Ciudad como parte del proceso de Procedimiento Uniforme de Revision de Uso de
Tierras (ULURP por sus siglas en Inglés). La participación pública es crucial para el Presidente de
Condado Stringer en su consideración y evaluación de aplicaciones de uso de tierras.
El Presidente de Condado está actualmente revisando la rezonificación del East Village/Lower East
Side, una propuesta del Departamento de Planeamiento de la Ciudad para rezonificar 111 cuadras en el
East Village y Lower East Side.
Si le gustaría obtener más información sobre la rezonificación del East Village/Lower East Side,
actualmente bajo revisión de ULURP, por favor visite la página web del Departamento de Planeamiento
de la Ciudad:
Si le gustaría presentar comentarios sobre la rezonificación del East Village/Lower East Side a la Oficina
del Presidente del Condado de Manhattan, por favor envíelos antes del final del día del 7 de Agosto, por
correo electrónico a o por correo regular a EV/LES Rezoning, Manhattan
Borough President's Office, 1 Centre Street, 19th Floor, New York, NY 10007.
Sanction City
13 hours ago
What a farce. Stringer doesn't care. It's all for show. It all is you know.
Yes it is. Particularly shameless that they are advertising it as a downzoning when the numbers show exactly the opposite.
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十一结束,开始工作:隐形纱窗, 入党申请书,入党申请书。dafsfsdfsdfds
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